These are my Momentos, short personal diary entries I write daily – since 2013 – and publish monthly. Some links are affiliate links.
Momentos – Feb 2015
1 It’s hard to believe I’ve been away for four years. There’s a concern when you return to a place you love, that it won’t live up to the memories. I guess the trick is to keep your expectations in check, knowing it won’t be the same. It can’t be. People change, places change. Perhaps …
Momentos – Jan 2015
1 “It’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the …
Momentos – Dec 2014
1 Giant came to Colombia to live with me. I guess he expected we’d be out having fun and picking up chicks all the time. He has been doing that, perhaps better than anyone I’ve ever seen, but he’s been doing it without me. I’ve been something of a hermit here, work all-consuming. I’m well …
Momentos – Nov 2014
1 It’s about a year now since I decided to quit that passive income biz, to give up $4k a month easy money. Not long before that I announced my goal of banking $100k before the end of 2014. Right now, with only $2k to my name, I still feel fine about the former and a little embarrassed by …
Momentos – Oct 2014
1 We’re fifty miles south of Manaus at a place called Lago Juma. We sit in a boat and watch river dolphins hide and peek, then swim in warm water as the sun sets. After dark we venture out and witness our guide catch a caiman with bare hands. Back at the lodge we’re encouraged …
Momentos – Sept 2014
1 Two weeks ago I called myself a pussy for not making faster moves on a girl. But I’m not going to do that anymore. I wouldn’t put up with someone else speaking to me that way, so why should I accept such abuse from myself? Instead, I should look to uncover my feelings and needs. …
Momentos – Aug 2014
1 Einstein oft described himself as a militant pacifist, advocating resistance to military service. But he changed his tune when Hitler took power and proved bent on annihilation. Poor old Albert was criticized for being inconsistent. But hey, he was a scientist, and any good scientist will alter his views in light of new evidence. 2 …
Momentos – July 2014
1 Working a lot has its advantages. One such is that bad work habits become more apparent. Make the same mistake a couple of times a year and you might not see it as a big deal, but make it three times in a single month and you feel the burn. You best plug that …
Momentos – June 2014
1 Outra dia, outra feira. They happen eight days a week here in Belo Horizonte. This one is a big Italian dealio, just a short walk from Casa Gringo, a dozen or so blocks full of beautiful people and overpriced pasta. I spend a couple of hours wandering into conversations, swapping dance moves, and butchering …
Momentos – May 2014
1 It’s a white-walled room with three beds covered in tiger print and stains on the ceiling tiles. But I don’t notice all that as I’m busy hyperventilating, feeling like my heart is being crushed with each inhalation. Nurse to my right gets me lying down and covers my groans with an oxygen mask. Nurse …