These are my Momentos, short personal diary entries I write daily – since 2013 – and publish monthly. Some links are affiliate links.
Reading about Ibn Battuta, born in Morocco seven centuries ago, traveled widely. Africa and the Middle East, India, China, parts of Europe. What it must have been like to travel back then, no idea of local languages or customs, walking a tightrope without a safety net.
Sitting here with a cup of my own urine, keeping an eye on the elderly woman alongside. She’s the only one in the waiting room not staring at a small screen. She just sits there, staring into space. I wonder if she’s never learned to use a smartphone, or simply prefers not to.
I don’t smell great, wearing this weird gown thing, open at the front. Arms above my head, a needle still stuck in one, various wires attached to my chest. I’m being moved in and out of the big machine that’s giving me instructions in Spanish that I only half understand.
With my business having declined the past year, my confidence has taken a hit. Easy to start wondering if I ever knew what I was doing, maybe I just got lucky that one time. So it’s encouraging to hear that others are struggling, too. Especially entrepreneurs I look up to.
I can become cold and distant when someone shares a complaint. Realized recently that it usually happens when I can’t offer a solution. Seeing someone struggling and not being able to help, especially someone I love, that’s frustrating. But I know now that being present and empathizing with their struggle is a big thing.
The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time
Any fool can do it
There ain’t nothing to it
Nobody knows how we got to the top of the hill
But since we’re on our way down
We might as well enjoy the ride
When am I an asshole? Usually when I’m stressed about time, money or health. Probably the same for most people. Makes me wonder how kind people could be to each other if they had time and money freedom, which in turn should lead to better health.
A big snowstorm hit Andorra last night. They clear the roads fast but still lots of accidents. Here I am at midnight assessing our driveway with a shovel. Seems safe enough to get the car out and drive 20 minutes southwest to the bright lights and a big belly at the SdU.
Started doing therapy calls a few years ago, every 2 weeks with a fella in Ireland almost 30 years my senior. That and free writing are great for getting things off my chest, processing my thoughts, releasing the odd rant. Needed that release today but didn’t do it the best way.
He’s lived and worked in New York, the UK, now Andorra. Originally from Amsterdam, he knows the street where I lived almost a decade ago. I used to walk down that street towards Reguliersgracht every winter morning, cut through the alley and be at the gym as it opened.
Jane Austen did much of her writing on scraps of paper between frequent interruptions in the family sitting room. Ended up producing such classics as Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Emma. I’ve had lots of distractions the past week, tough to get work done. Trying to channel my inner Jane Austen.
From The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle…
See if you can catch yourself complaining, in either speech or thought, about a situation you find yourself in, what other people do or say, your surroundings, your life situation, even the weather. To complain is always nonacceptance of what is. It invariably carries an unconscious negative charge. When you complain, you make yourself into a victim. When you speak out, you are in your power. So change the situation by taking action or by speaking out if necessary or possible; leave the situation or accept it. All else is madness.
Playing around with Bubble, the no-code platform. Have an idea for an app, something I’d like to exist, seeing if I can build it. Using ChatGPT to help me figure it out, step by step. Incredible how much time it saves, but still so easy to take it for granted.
I have journals going back to 2011, interesting to look through them sometimes. Amazing the things I’ll forget, even when I’ve written them down. Memory isn’t reliable. Also fascinating to read why I made certain decisions, and see the same things I’m still struggling with years later.
Ditched Bubble, now using Airtable + Softr. Made a mistake two days ago: should have started by asking ChatGPT which tools to use. Bubble wasn’t the best fit for my idea, wasted a few hours figuring that out. Have a basic app working now after 3 hours with the new tools.
One of those days where I’d love a little weed to take the edge off. But no, that’s illegal here. Meanwhile, I can go buy a cart load of cigarettes and alcohol, consume it all in one day, then head to the casino and gamble away my life savings. No laws against any of that.
I barely use Google Search anymore. ChatGPT has replaced probably 90% of my old searches. Just checked and I googled only ten things today, whereas I might have asked ChatGPT 100+ questions. I simply get much better, faster answers with the latter.
A tweet I can’t stop thinking about…
The modern condition is mostly trying to do things on your own that people have historically achieved with a large support network and wondering why you’re tired all the time.
Lately, been waking up after 8-9 hours of sleep, still tired, morning routine feels like a slog. Haven’t had much of a head for work. Almost welcoming little distractions like email so I don’t have to tackle the bigger tasks that require deep thinking. WIsh I could just fast forward through this fog.
I’ve had a strong urge to play video games lately. Used to play a lot in my teens and early 20’s. Gave it up because it felt like a gigantic waste of time, nothing to show for hours spent in front of a screen. I think the appeal now is that it helps pass the time, gets me through that fog.
Thought about it some more, and I reckon the real appeal is the escape. With video games it’s easy to feel a sense of control, progress, mastery. Things make more sense than in the real world. But escaping reality doesn’t improve it. You have to come back and deal with real life eventually.
Figuring out the next chapter for my business. I have a good sense of what it will look like. Video will be the main thing, everything else flows from that. Confident I can do well with this approach, so long as I have the energy to stick with it consistently.
Still doing a little Spanish study every morning. But it’s so little that I’m not sure I’m improving. Some days it feels like I’m actually getting worse. Not a great way to start the day: feeling like I’m failing at something I’ve chipped away at every day for the last 2.5 years.
Watching Klaus again, my favorite Christmas movie. Incredible writing. The end gives me goosebumps every time. It was made by an animation studio in Madrid, took them several years to get funding, and it’s already rated as the #8 best-rated Christmas movie of all time.
Had a lot of downtime recently, energy levels low. But now the wave is cresting again. Glad I’m not home in Ireland this year, no other plans for the big day, so I spend my energy how I most want to: working on my website. I know, it’s sad in a way, but I try not to think about it.
Been going through and revamping my big Make Money Online article. A lot of the examples there hadn’t been updated in years. Really enjoying researching and writing up the new profiles. Aiming to make a video based on that article next week, high hopes for that.
Can see my breath as I wander these ancient streets. Caga Tiós and old stone arches. I dip into a little tucked-away cafe. Pretty sure it’s Catalan on the radio but I ask the lady anyway. As I leave, I hear people singing. Outside under the purple sky, diamonds in the snow sparkle.
My new hero is the guy who founded Teachers Pay Teachers. He was a regular school teacher, had the idea for TPT in 2006, built it into a multi-million dollar business, now looks to be retired, enjoys woodworking, shares his creations with a small following on Instagram.
I love exploring new trails here in Andorra, figuring out the lay of the land. Wound my way along a trail north of Ordino today. Ended up in the middle of town as darkness fell, mesmerized by the Christmas lights decorating the tiny old streets.
Recorded that video yesterday, took 2.5 hours. Now the editing, will try get it down to about an hour, curb my perfectionism and leave all the ahs and ums in there. Not sure anyone will watch such a long, unpolished video, but we’ll give it a shot and see what happens.
Another disappointing NYE, rushing around town, only catching glimpses of fireworks. Has me thinking, what would be the ideal? Probably some quiet retreat, maybe with a hot tub, fireworks still visible in the distance to mark the change.