These are my Momentos, short personal diary entries I write daily – since 2013 – and publish monthly. Some links are affiliate links.
The business pulled in about $165,000 last year. Which sounds good, but it was on a downward trend the whole time. Feeling optimistic about 2025 though. I’ve accepted that the old ways no longer work, eager to see how my new approach goes.
Narcissists are really tough to deal with. But I have compassion for them. Nobody chooses to be a narcissist. It’s just the way they’re wired. And it’s the kind of condition that makes every relationship a struggle, but also makes you incapable of seeing that you’re the problem.
Three types of video I’ll be creating this year…
- Reviews of products and services related to making money online
- Business ideas
- Testing out the recommendations of popular “make money online” YouTubers
Thinking the last will be the most fun, and draw the most eyeballs.
I’ve had a weird throat thing the past couple of weeks, has me hacking and snorting like a demon every few hours to clear the mucus out of there. It’s disgusting. Have an appointment at the clinic next week, should get prescribed something to sort it.
Spent the day finishing off a new video. It’s a review of an Amazon course. Took about ten hours to do the whole thing. Not sure if it’ll be worth it, might get very few views. But if I can put out at least one long video each week for the next few months, good things should happen.
Deleting more content off my site, stuff we spent a lot of time and money on. But it no longer makes sense, have to get rid of it. Scary how fast it all changed. And how fast everything continues to change with AI. I’m sure I’ll find a new thing that works well, but how long will that last?
Feeling better today, good days and bad days. Trying to add the right fuel to my fire, watch movies and read books that keep me motivated, eager for the challenge. Started into The Obstacle Is The Way again this morning. That should help.
Words from that book this morning…
You will come across obstacles in life—fair and unfair. And you will discover, time and time again, that what matters most is not what these obstacles are but how we see them, how we react to them, and whether we keep our composure. You will learn that this reaction determines how successful we will be in overcoming—or possibly thriving because of—them.
Not earning nearly as much these days. Sure enough, my anxiety around money has increased. The best thing about high earnings is that you don’t sweat every little expense. Although if I had been sweating them all along I’d be in a much better position now, way more savings.
Testing out this AI Shopify store recommendation by a YouTuber with 4.3M subscribers. He says it’s the lazy way to make $100+ per day. Following the steps, one hour in and of course it’s proving too good to be true. Pisses me off that these guys get so many views.
I was maybe 14 in school, failed a history test. Upset me so much that I studied my ass off for the next one and got 100%. I remember being proud of that, feeling like a person who uses failure to propel him forward rather than hold him down. Eager to prove I’m still that person.
Another hike, exploring hidden corners of Andorra. I keep an eye out for little plots of land, secluded properties, fantasize about owning my own piece of earth some day, building a dream home. Came across a couple of places today that fit the bill.
Met a guy in Bali in 2019, had a content site getting millions of monthly views, earning six figures each month from display ads. Checked the site today and it’s been abandoned, organic traffic down to zero. Even the big boys, with far more competence and experience than me, got hit real hard. Makes me feel better about the decline of my site.
Nick Epley’s study: we predict that interactions with strangers will be awkward and embarrassing. But actually such interactions are usually rewarding. Had that in mind today, made an effort to engage with the older man waiting beside me. It was indeed rewarding.
Unclear what shape my business will take going forward, but one thing is for sure: I need to learn new skills. Especially regarding AI and automation. I have a tendency to get caught up in repetitive tasks, costs me time and energy. Can’t make that mistake again.
Went to that event the past two years. Loved it the first year, not so much the second. Costs $2000 and 4 days to attend again. Tickets sold out in three minutes, and I was happy not to get involved. Way better off investing that time and money connecting with my local community.
Rough day today. We knew going in that January would be a tough month, but that knowledge hasn’t made it any more palatable. Sitting there staring at that tiled wall after the appointment, feeling like a zombie, not wanting to think, just wishing we could fast forward.
Nodding along to this tweet…
there exists an almost incomprehensible opportunity right now to spin up businesses that are exceptionally efficient thanks to automation, brain power of ai and the internet.
90% margins, team of less than 10 and $100M/year businesses are possible.
TikTok ban went into effect today in the USA. And I noticed a couple of days ago that my account had disappeared with no warning, no notification. I put a bit of time and effort into building up an audience on there. Glad I didn’t rely on it for my livelihood like a lot of people.
Talked to a few other online entrepreneurs recently. Most seem disillusioned with the current landscape, so much uncertainty, hard to know where to invest time and energy. I can relate. But I tell myself that I can’t go far wrong by learning AI-related skills and building an audience.
The Gisèle Pelicot thing is messed up on so many levels. But the most disturbing thing for me is that there were “at least 72” men who went out of their way to rape a drugged-up grandmother. It’s the kind of story that makes it hard to have faith in humanity.
My video review of PDF Empire Builder got taken offline in the UK due to a defamation complaint. Clearly the owner of the course didn’t like that I was highlighting the shady shit he was teaching. Makes no financial sense for me to spend time getting the review back online, but I’ll probably do it anyway.
From The Obstacle Is The Way…
We kick ourselves for blowing a deal or having to miss a meeting… In fact, we may have actually dodged a bullet. The next opportunity might be better.
I must choose to believe that the next opportunity will be better. Without that belief, I’m not sure I’d recognize it when it comes along.
Been researching a lot lately about AI and automation, seeing all the different tools and what they can do. It is pretty mind-blowing how far we’ve come. A few years ago WordPress was still the best way to build a website. Now you can build something better in an afternoon with simple prompts.
In the movie, she can’t stop thinking about minor things, things that don’t matter anymore. He tells her she just hasn’t had time to adjust yet. And she replies…
How am I supposed to adjust? Everything I’ve ever cared about, everything I’ve worked for, has all been preparation for a future that no longer exists.
Been prepping for the big day tomorrow. On a restricted diet since Thursday, fasting all day today. I get tired and irritable when I skip a meal, but only when it’s unexpected. Totally fine today since I knew well in advance. Also my first day without coffee in a long time.
Putting in the IV was the worst part, took three tries. They wheeled me into another room, the anaesthesiologist saying she’d tell me before turning on the juice. Woke up thirty minutes later with no memory, no pain. Got the all-clear after from the English-speaking doctor who insists he doesn’t speak English.
I’m only 42 with a low risk factor, but apparently colon cancer is the easiest cancer to prevent and Attia says nobody should ever die from it. James Van Der Beek got diagnosed with Stage 3 CC at age 45. Could have been avoided – or at least way easier to treat – if he got checked a few years earlier.
Went hard at it today and finished off my latest video, where I tested out a famous YouTuber’s “easiest way to make money online.” Of course, it didn’t turn out to be easy at all. But hopefully this format does well, would like to keep making videos along those lines.
Started doing regular sets of air squats back in August, to combat all the sitting at my computer. I’ve done 16,255 since then. According to Rhonda Patrick…
A new study found that performing 10 bodyweight squats every 45 minutes during an 8.5-hour period of sitting improves blood sugar regulation better than a single 30-minute walk.
I wasn’t looking forward to this month, figured it would be a tough one. And it was, but now here I am at the end of it, and it wasn’t as bad as I’d feared. As the saying goes, I’ve known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.