These are my Momentos, short personal diary entries I write daily – since 2013 – and publish monthly. Some links are affiliate links.
Momentos – June 2018
1 Blissful swim down in the bay this eve after a good long work day, flowing gentle around rocks and fish in lazy water. I take my time drying off after on the pebble beach and wind my way back up the steps. I’ll get back to the apartment and cook and read and listen …
Momentos – May 2018
1 To my left, a bunch of Asian looking dudes in the volleyball cage, spry and athletic. Above me, a row of bars I’ll try to traverse. And to my right, three dudes sitting on a curb, having a few drinks, probably workmen just finished for the day. Off the bars I’ll notice them passing …
Momentos – Apr 2018
1 Sick of it all. The stress, the uncertainty, the never-ending responsibility. Working for yourself may sound glamorous, but the truth is anything but. You work longer hours for less pay and more hassle. Reached my limit today, to the point where I called into Starbucks and filled out a job application. Give me something …
Momentos – Mar 2018
1 For my monthly challenge I was going to quit writing these Momentos, see how that felt. But I already know the answer: not good. I could go without publishing them for a month, maybe even forever, but I’d miss writing them. They’re a time for reflection, pause and think, conceive and create. Here’s to …
Momentos – Feb 2018
1 Reviewing my finances today. $6,448 spent in January. That’s about twice as much as I usually spend in a month. Made me anxious. But then I went through and looked at each expense and couldn’t find anything to regret. All money well spent. Plus, I earned $9,518 in January. So I came out three …
Momentos – Jan 2018
1 Got a new morning routine going, based on The Miracle Morning. One part is affirmations. Best to speak them aloud, apparently. Which I did this morning, and noticed I was a little anxious someone might overhear. But why? If these are empowering beliefs I want to instill in myself, if they speak to who I …
Momentos – Dec 2017
1 Message from a friend: You once asked “what’s one thing you believe that most people would disagree with?” And I don’t think I had a good answer at the time. But here it is: I fucking love dick pics and think they are beautiful. I’ve never deleted any, solicited or unsolicited, from my phone. …
Momentos – Nov 2017
1 People who get upset over small things, who take the tiniest perceived slight as a cataclysmic event, who hyper-analyze every word and sentence… man, I can’t help but think that these people must not have a lot going on in their lives. Circle of influence, circle of concern. The things that concern them says …
Momentos – Oct 2017
1 Took a little trip to old town Las Palmas this morning. It’s beautiful over there, feels all proper Spanish with the cobbled calles and pretty plazas. We stumbled into one square with almost no people but filled with sports cars. Another had a bunch of old people dancing merrily to a big band playing …
Momentos – Sept 2017
1 Do you ever have bad days, he asks. I don’t think I do. Not really. I dated a nurse several years ago. Intensive care. She saw people die every day, traumatically, sometimes beneath her chest compressions. She’d come home and ask how my day was. Terrible. Fucking internet wasn’t working. That’s still about as bad as it …