These are my Momentos, short personal diary entries I write daily – since 2013 – and publish monthly. Some links are affiliate links.
Momentos – Feb 2020
1 Being right doesn’t matter so much if you’re an asshole about it. Sometimes I get valid feedback from people but it’s wrapped up in insults or tactlessness. Very hard to take it on board in those situations. 2 Switched to using DuckDuckGo as my default search engine. Google annoys me with their camouflaged ads. …
Momentos – Jan 2020
1 30 minutes ago I was appreciating these people and wishing them well. Now we’re all in a dangerous crush to leave the beach. Typical shirtless dudes with tattoos and muscles and beer breath, reckless on scooters. I’m glad I don’t live in Canggu. 2 Going through the top content I produced last year, seeing …
Momentos – Dec 2019
1 Some kind of festival blocking the road, looks like a bunch of folks sitting, praying. We’re forced to turn back and find a convoluted route home. Compensation: along the back roads we see a spectacular black and red sky crowning a rice field. 2 It was a year ago yesterday that a buddy jumped …
Momentos – Nov 2019
1 Averaging less than 6 hours of sleep this week, less than 5 last night. It ain’t healthy or sustainable to be spending significantly more hours in front of my laptop every day than I spend sleeping. But it’s a trade-off I’m willing to accept for a while. 2 Two ways to build a 4-hour-workweek …
Momentos – Oct 2019
1 Spent pretty much the whole day working today. My “work” involved going through an affiliate marketing course and taking notes so I can write an in-depth review later. I was fully engaged, loving the process – digging, questioning, reasoning, investigating. 2 In my early 20’s I worked two jobs one summer. I remember telling …
Momentos – Sept 2019
1 Sluggish weekend after the madness, have to zone out and do nothing for a while, wait for the energy and motivation to kick back in. It’s tough, feeling like you’re working as hard as you can and it’s still not enough. Hard work is only part of the equation though. 2 One of those …
Momentos – Aug 2019
1 Published my best survey sites article ten weeks ago. Looks like it finally hit the first page of Google today. That’s the tricky thing with SEO – takes a while to find out if what you’re doing is working. I was ready to write off the survey site stuff as a waste of time. But now, …
Momentos – July 2019
1 Mentioned before how you get used to living with all kinds of bugs and lizards in Bali, hard to keep them out. Up before sunrise this morning, turned on the light in the kitchen, and got hit with a massive swarm of termites. Our house geckos were loving it. Me, not so much. 2 …
Momentos – June 2019
1 I’ve had 5 different needles in my body today. Rash on my arms and legs. Sweated through my bedsheets. Took four pills. Ate an egg sandwich. Watched a scary movie. Took a shower with my hand in a bag. Drank lots of water. Made countless trips to the bathroom. And I’m not allowed to …
Momentos – May 2019
1 Came home from a nice dinner at a nice restaurant to find a lizard the size of my hand in the kitchen, light blue with red spots, took a bite at a clothes hanger when we tried shooing him out the window. Now there’s a young Balinese man here with a plastic bag tied …