These are my Momentos, short personal diary entries I write daily β since 2013 β and publish monthly. Some links are affiliate links.
Momentos β Dec 2020
1 Two years ago today a friend jumped on a call with me and sparked the idea of eBiz Facts. So far this year the business has pulled in more than $110k in revenue with a very healthy profit margin. And the best part is that I’m just scratching the surface. (Hopefully.) 2 Message from …
Momentos β Nov 2020
1 Friend of mine used to make $20k a month doing some grey-hat SEO stuff online. Could have kept going, but didn’t feel good about it, so he quit. I respect that. $20k/month is great, but only if your conscience is clear with how you’re earning it. 2 Mark Manson wrote recently about the Law …
Momentos β Oct 2020
1 Shortlisted some writers and gave them a trial job, pointed to this profileΒ and asked them to do the same thing for another YouTuber. Two did great, clearly read the existing content and matched the writing style. The other three couldn’t get out of their own way. 2 The first group of people, when you …
Momentos β Sept 2020
1 Fake gurus don’t respond to criticism by taking a hard look at their business and cleaning up their act. No, the way they see it, the problem isn’t their bullshit teachings; the problem is people calling them out on their bullshit teachings. So they try to silence those people. 2 Talking with a friend …
Momentos β Aug 2020
1 Hunting for a new apartment online. To rent, not buy. Though buying might actually be easier, given how picky we are. I’ve seen so many apartments with great potential, ruined by crappy furniture, awful wallpaper, ugly AF interior design. Upsets me more than it should. 2 Went and viewed five apartments today. First was …
Momentos β July 2020
1 This framework I’ve been building is growing more complex by the day. Now up to 19 types and 5 levels. Need to be careful. Too much complexity and it won’t be useful. The goal of this is to give people the big picture, not every little detail. 2 Someone told me today that eBiz …
Momentos β June 2020
1 Today was Monday, but we made it our Sunday. Took the rental car up into the hills again, through the national park. Almost had the place to ourselves, except for the mosquitoes. Ended it with a sunset overlooking an old city on UNESCO’s list. 2 Got pulled over. The cop’s English is a million …
Momentos β May 2020
1 It bugs me when people make flawed arguments or false claims. I have an urge to jump in and set the record straight when I see that kind of thing. But it’s a slippery slope. Often I just end up arguing with fools, which makes me no wiser than them. 2 Slowing things down …
Momentos β Apr 2020
1 Trying not to pay attention to the news. All I really need know is what’s happening here in Georgia. Little else is relevant to me. Friends and family will fill me in on the latest where they are if necessary. Other than that, head down, focus on what I can control. 2 Working on …
Momentos β Mar 2020
1 Lazy morning, giving myself a lie in after a mad few weeks. Finishing off Crime and Punishment while herself sleeps. Hard to appreciate older books and movies without context. I’ll spend some time reading up on Dostoevsky this eve. 2 The health minister here in Indonesia was confident that prayer would keep us safe from …