These are my Momentos, short personal diary entries I write daily – since 2013 – and publish monthly. Some links are affiliate links.
Momentos – Aug 2022
1 Not enough sleep and tons to do today. I’m thinking of it like an obstacle course. And I don’t just want to make it through. I want to rise to the occasion and crush this thing, be at my best. Here we go. 2 We leave tomorrow. Another hectic day today. Across town to …
Momentos – July 2022
1 Another day, another shit taxi experience in Tbilisi. Stuck in highway traffic with this guy, an ambulance passes and he tries to quarterback sneak it, gunning through narrow gaps, then acts pissy with other drivers getting back in lane and cutting him off. I yell at him, then get out and walk. 2 At …
Momentos – June 2022
1 I’ve done little on the site the last several months but publish thin content, and yet I just got a rankings boost. SEO can be a black box like that, hard to make sense of it. If I’d been super proactive trying to improve my rankings, who knows, maybe I’d be worse off now. …
Momentos – May 2022
1 When I’m tired, I try not to take frustrations too seriously, or dwell on negative thoughts. So easy to get annoyed by the trivial just because your brain is sluggish, viewing things through a dirty lens. Best not make any big decisions or think too deep in that frame of mind. 2 Not in …
Momentos – Apr 2022
1 I like getting older in the sense that each year I come to know myself a little better. We’re all born with a body and mind but receive sparse, scattered and often bad instructions on how to use them. You figure out your own best practices over time. 2 Pushed up against my limit …
Momentos – Mar 2022
1 Let’s call this game Everyday Miracles. Look around and pick some everyday item nearby. Then consider the story of that item, all the thought and effort and technology that had to happen for it to end up in front of you. Everything is amazing when you think of it this way. 2 Did my …
Momentos – Feb 2022
1 It’s possible to get everything you want and still end up miserable, even suicidal. So getting what you want clearly doesn’t guarantee happiness. You have to tend to your mental health along the way, learn to make the most of whatever situation you find yourself in. 2 Sometimes I wonder if life is anything …
Momentos – Jan 2022
1 Didn’t sleep much last night, wanted to stay in today, chip away at some work stuff. But we head north tomorrow, so I pushed myself to go make a memory. Ended up having an afternoon picnic on the beach, with a fine view of a castle built by the Knights Templar 700 years ago. …
Momentos – Dec 2021
1 Running late, Google Maps has us driving around in circles, and in the commotion we’re dropping and losing things under the passenger seat. Usually this would stress me out, but instead I announce that it’s all brilliant and we start laughing at the ridiculousness. 2 Driving back from a friendly basketball scrimmage, roads covered …
Momentos – Nov 2021
1 It’s fairly easy to have empathy for people less fortunate than us. But we struggle to have empathy for people more fortunate. And yet they are human too. They may have more money or freedom or whatever, but you can bet they also have demons and challenges. 2 Doing cold outreach, trying to find people …