These are my Momentos, short personal diary entries I write daily – since 2013 – and publish monthly. Some links are affiliate links.
It’s fairly easy to have empathy for people less fortunate than us. But we struggle to have empathy for people more fortunate. And yet they are human too. They may have more money or freedom or whatever, but you can bet they also have demons and challenges.
Doing cold outreach, trying to find people to leave reviews of courses they’ve taken. One lady takes offense somehow, says the message ruined her morning. Maybe I could have phrased it better, but she sounds like someone who was determined to have her morning ruined one way or another.
One of those long days looking at a screen. Didn’t feel much like working today, was going to knock off in the afternoon but ended up doing several hours more. I tell myself that this is the kind of thing most people won’t do, which leads to results most people won’t achieve.
My commute to school was about 30 minutes each way, sitting in the car, listening to the radio. This was back in the 80’s and 90’s. Seems like a lot of wasted time. Kids today can listen to podcasts or audiobooks. Though maybe it’s good I spent so much time looking out the window.
Gained more than expected with my investments last month. Rationally, I should look at that and think: great, I can afford to take some extra time off work now. But I don’t. Instead my brain is like: great, keep working and we can be even further ahead next month.
They recently refurbished an outdoor sports court nearby my apartment, including lovely new basketball goals. One was busted within a week, fixed within another week, and now, a month later, both are broken again. People create things, people destroy things.
One way to deal with difficult people is to think of them as children throwing a tantrum. If a child is balling crying and calling you a big stupid fat head, you tend to roll your eyes and not take it personally. It’s just a child. And that’s what children do.
Treating myself to a tasty breakfast in this hidden spot, thinking of the best breakfasts I’ve ever had. That one in Pokhara, day after I rode a motorcycle across the country. Another at a diner in New Orleans, me and the boys just back off the plane from a wild time in NYC.
You can see the TV tower from almost everywhere in Tbilisi. It’s almost 300 meters tall and nearly 50 years of age, standing on a mountain southwest of the city. They light it up different colors at night. If I leave the curtain open I can see it while lying in bed.
You can develop a sensitive palate, to the point where you can pick out all the different flavors in a dish, or even the absence of one. Apparently you can also develop a similar ability with your mind, so you can pick out all the different emotions in yourself, or even the absence of one.
The end of history illusion: They asked people how much they’d pay to see their current favorite band perform 10 years from now. The average was $129. Then they asked how much they’d pay to see their favorite band from 10 years ago perform today. The average was $80.
Part of an amazing email I received today…
Do you have a “No let me fail” guarantee and do you provide genuine coaches to be able to help me succeed cuz with me, I bought courses in the past but most of the time I don’t do the things I need to do or follow the videos and materials after a while?
Sometimes I’ll put myself under pressure to have a productive day even though I don’t feel like doing anything. Usually in that situation, I’ll get some half-assed work done and feel miserable all the while. Better to just embrace the urge to do nothing, revel in my idleness.
There are times when I must pay close attention to my thoughts and feelings, uncover some truth within me. And then there are times when I need to tune it all out, not take that voice inside too seriously, because that voice can be far too full of fear and bullshit.
Signed up to Wealthy Affiliate again last month so I could go through it and update my review. It hasn’t improved since 2019, still far too cult-like with few legitimate success stories. Going through their cancellation page today, and that just takes the cake.
Decided to let go, stop stressing myself out trying to get tons of work done before we leave town. I’m my own boss, nothing is urgent, and I’ve grown the business 50% this year already. If someone in the same position asked for my advice, I’d tell them to chill the fuck out and enjoy some downtime.
A voice on a podcast brings me back a decade plus, walking down Oak Street in NOLA, wondering about the fun vibe spilling out of the place up ahead. That same voice calls to me, says I should come in. I did, and discovered one of my favorite forms of art.
I’m a little too purpose-driven. Didn’t feel like going for a walk today, until I realized there was a package to pick up at the post office. That motivated me, perhaps more than it should. I need to practice doing things that don’t have any purpose, enjoy a walk for its own sake.
Listened twice to Tommy Tiernan’s rant about peace. Life isn’t about peace, he says. It’s about ups and downs and struggles and trying things and having adventures and never getting too comfortable. You’ll have peace enough when you’re dead. A peaceful life is a wasted life.
Aside from these Momentos, I spend a few minutes free writing each morning, like an informal diary, and a way to check in with myself. Been doing it for several years. Meaning I can go back and see how I was feeling, what I was doing most days, keep more memories alive.
Packing for this trip, first flight tomorrow is at 5:40 am. Five-hour stopover in Athens, hope all goes well with immigration. Then hop a second flight to Barcelona. Pick up a rental car there, grab some food, then a 3-hour drive north to a place I may someday call home.
There’s something about Spain, a warmth to the language and culture, a casual friendliness you don’t know you’re missing until you come back again. Noticed it several times today, cozy interactions with several people through my broken and rusted Spanish.
After breakfast I head out for my first wander in this town. I walk along a river and over an old bridge. Explore the first stretch of a hiking path. Duck into a quiet church. Put my hand in a street-side hot spring. Window shop a model train store. Gaze up at the mountains all around.
Naval writes about the importance of ownership. You can make money selling your time, but most wealth is created through owning a stand-alone business, or at least a piece of one. My business isn’t stand-alone yet, but that’s the direction I’m trying to push it.
Beautiful landscapes and easy access to nature. A few minutes out of town and you can be on a nice path alongside a small river, few other people about, the odd jogger or dog walker, passing by neat tucked-away houses and big sturdy cart horses grazing in a field.
New Orleans in 2010 was the last time and place I felt a real sense of belonging. Eleven years since, I’ve traveled the world, made many friends, but never quite recaptured that feeling. I can see it happening here in Andorra, should we move here permanently. And most likely we will.
Doing my morning stretches, snow falling outside, motivation in my ears. The business has plateaued somewhat the last several months. I’ll need to shake things up to take it to the next level, get past $1000 a day consistently. It’s definitely doable. Just a matter of time and focus.
Imagine a life where you’ve got plenty of money in the bank, never need to work again. And you spend your days being of service to people, seeking nothing in return. Everyone you meet, wondering how you might help them out. Could there be a better life than that?
Words from Dan Sullivan resonating with me today:
The problem is not the problem. The problem is how you think about the problem.
This lady from Wealthy Affiliate says her first site in the health niche made money. Turns out she worked non-stop for 8 months, earned $50 in commissions, then sold the site for $500. Somehow she considers that proof that WA is legit. Now she earns money convincing others to join.